One / Four

In this show we played with the numbers "one" and "four".

The opening of the exhibition was the first of April (04/01/09), the artist’s birthday.
The poster concept of this exhibition was presented in the International Congress of the German Semiotic Society (Stuttgart, 2008). Published in a global research focusing on numbers in contemporary use “Numbers as signs of economy and enterprises” By SVH, South West German Publishing House (Saarbrücken, 2009) in “Products, Pennies and Promotions” (ISBN No. 978-3-8381-0721-9).

We placed the painting “Silence on tourne!” in four positions (rotation 90°, 180°, 270°) the 4th, 14th and 24th of April 2009 at 4 PM. Location of the show: Lyon first district (69001).

“Silence on tourne!”
(Acrylic, ink, 1.60 x 1.30 cm, 2008)

A selection of “Intuitive Abstraction”, unique marks developing different perceptions of the same object, called in French “Abstractions Spontanées” was also exhibited in different locations. (AS = 1). We used for each exhibition the paper size A4. (A = 1).
For this show, the price of the "AS" was 41 euros